Copper Mountain is a senior 55+ park; at least one of the guests per RV must be at least 55 years old. No more than two people may occupy each RV. Once a month, however, you may host visitors for up to one week. All visitors staying with you longer than 24 hours must register at the office. Under certain circumstances (see manager), a third person may reside in a unit, however, a $200/mo. charge will apply. “Quiet hours” are 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. (New Year’s Eve excluded.) You also must be considerate of your neighbors during non-quiet hours. The office is open Mon. – Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
RV Park Rules & Regulations
Most of our spaces are “back-ins”. There are a limited number of pull-through spaces that are available only nightly and weekly. All guests must check in upon arrival and parking assistance is required. Please arrive before dark. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE OR WALK OVER THE BERMS BEHIND THE SPACES. (They serve an important engineering function and keep the whole park from washing away during heavy rainfall.) You may only drive on the designated roads. Per local zoning ordinances, only one RV may be parked on a space at a time. When moving in or out, you may park a second RV on your space for 48 hours to transfer your property, but you may not, under any circumstances, plug two units into the pedestal simultaneously. You must use a surge protector. Your vehicles and RV must not encroach the curb or the berm. Unfiltered, well water is pumped to the spaces; we recommend you use an inline water filter on your rig. (We provide free, r/o filtered, drinking water which is located on the north side of the rec. hall.) Sorry, but we do not allow semi-tractor/trailer type vehicles in the park.
Your space must be kept tidy in appearance. Your space will be clear of weeds and debris when you arrive. You are responsible for keeping it that way while you occupy the space. You may not dig on your space or modify it in any fashion without first completing a lot change request and obtaining manager’s approval. When you leave, the space should appear as it did when you arrived. If you skirt your unit, the skirting must be attractive material and not cardboard, old boards, tin, etc. All RVs must be maintained in good condition as determined by management. If your actions or the condition of your RV pose a potential safety or environmental problem, you will be asked to leave. Park management has the right to refuse occupancy if the RV or park model appears run down. Only minor repairs are allowed on-site. Seasonal tenants must secure all of their “stuff” in their unit or shed over summer. (Guidelines to place a park model or shed on your space are available in the office.)
Your sewer connection must be a screw-in sewer hose connection and the hose off the ground, sloped to the drop. All RVs must be self-contained with black and gray water holding tanks. Do not dispose of anything in the toilet except toilet paper.
There is room to park two (2) vehicles on each space beside the cement pad. You may not park on the other side of the RV in front of or behind the electrical pedestal. Only temporary parking is allowed on the streets. Use of empty spaces without the manager’s permission is prohibited. There is a $50.00 per vehicle per day fine for parking on an empty space.
Smoking is prohibited in or around the common areas. Per Arizona state law, you may not smoke within 20 feet of public doors or windows. Please dispose of your butts properly!
10 MPH DAYLIGHT HOURS / 5 MPH AT DARK For everyone’s safety, slow down!
Copper Mountain is pet friendly, but we do have rules! Please refer to the Park’s Pet Rules which are incorporated here in by this reference.
Our pool is not open to the public. You must shower before entering the pool and shower again before getting in the water if you use oils or lotions. Do not eat or drink anything in the pool. Please place a towel over the lounge chairs and cushions when using them. Read and obey all signs posted in the pool area. Your visitors must check in at the office before using the pool and if they are minors, you must supervise them while they use the pool. Children who are not yet potty-trained are not allowed in the pool. The pool is open from 9:00am until 9:00pm. There is no life guard on duty; you swim at your own risk!
I hereby authorize Copper Mountain RV Park, LLC, via its members, employees or volunteers, to take my photograph while engaging in park events and/or activities and to use said photographs or any other image or likeness of myself to promote Copper Mountain RV Park via any type of promotion or in promotional materials which I understand include both print and electronic media. I understand that I will not be compensated for any such use of my photograph and/or image and hereby waive any right I may have to compensation. This authorization extends beyond my stay.
Please tie all garbage in plastic bags and crush boxes. It is illegal to discard batteries, motor oil, tires and other hazardous materials in the trash. If a bin or trash can is marked “Recycle” please do not discard trash in it. Also, do not leave items around the trash bins or food or trash outside your unit for any period of time. The owners hate litter; which includes cigarette butts and dog pooh. If you cannot pick up after yourself or your dogs, you will be asked to leave. Do not feed wildlife.
All contractors who enter the park must be licensed and insured and must check in at the front desk every time they enter the park. Tenants are responsible for any damage caused by contractors they hire.
Please be advised we prohibit: open fires (except at the designated park fire pit) and the use of charcoal. (Small propane and pellet “fire-pits” and grills at your site are okay.) The use of a washing machine in your unit is also prohibited. (Laundry detergents are detrimental to our sewer plant.) Also, drones and RC planes may not be flown in the park. You may, however, fly them on the property to the west of the park. Finally, please do not walk through the spaces.
I have reviewed and agree to abide by the park’s Rules & Regulations, Pet Rules & Fee Schedule (incorporated herein) and I hereby consent to my immediate eviction if I do not do so. I understand I am liable for any and all damage I cause to any person, the park, the park’s infrastructure and / or other tenant’s property. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless specifically John and Cristyn Weil, Copper Mountain RV Park, LLC, its members, managers, employees and owners in the event I cause damage to any other person or property during my stay.